Feb 5 as public holiday on “Kashmir Solidarity Day”

Feb 5 as public holiday on “Kashmir Solidarity Day”

LAHORE  –   Lahore Government as announced to observe February 05 (Monday) as public Holiday across the province in connection with “Kashmir Soli­darity Day.

Feb 5 as public holiday on “Kashmir Solidarity Day”

In a show of solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir, the Pakistani government has declared February 5th a national holiday and announced a nationwide .

According to notification, the February 05 will be observed as public holiday across the province on the occasion of “Kashmir Solidarity Day, except those engaged in essential services, all public and private institutions will remain closed. To signify political and moral support in the struggle for self determination and to honour their martyrs, one minute silence will be observed at about 10 am on February 05, notification stated.

This annual observation, known as Kashmir Solidarity Day, serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for self-determination in the disputed region.


The Cabinet Division issued a public holiday notification, reaffirming Pakistan’s unwavering support for the Kashmiris’ right to freedom and self-determination, enshrined in the UN Charter. This day resonates deeply with millions of Pakistanis who share historical, cultural, and familial bonds with their Kashmiri brothers and sisters.

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