Technical SEO Update (2024) Great

Technical SEO

Technical SEO
Technical SEO

How to Technical SEO ?

Technical SEO Important Types Of SEO. Technical Mean That, Abstruse, Industrial, Mechanical, Technological.


Technical SEO includes improving on website the technical factor of a website to increase the ranking of pages in GOOGLE SEARCH ENGIES. Technical SEO improvement website.

Technical SEO factor most optimization of the factor are done so, that indexing and crawling of our website can be better. Technical SEO part of on-page, Because we do it on the website rank on search engines. The factor that we optimize in technical SEO are one-time. But mostly the things you optimize in technical SEO are applied. Once on overall website. But of the things in technical SEO are in a while Technical SEO .


Like we will task about SSL, So SSL certifcate is applied once on your website. After you don’t have to touch it.


we will apply many such factors or tags that will be once  in a while. There will be some other things that you will have to change from time to time, I will new update on website Technical SEO.


  1. Indexing
  2. Crawling
  3. Crawls every link propertly
  4. Sitemap.xml
  5. Sitemap.Html
  6. Robots.txt File
  7. Page load time
  8. Optimisatistion of Js & Css
  9. SSL certifcate
  10. Cannonical tag
  11. Redirection (404/301/302/)
  12. W3C  validation
  13.  Open graph tag
  14. Structure date
Technical SEO
Technical SEO


Technical SEO So you known that there is lot of data on the internet. That is the Worldwide web. A lot of date, that is thousand of millions of TB are Stored. so whenever the creator uploads that date, live made a website. I uploaded a blog uploaded some images, made any changes to my website or a new website, come than in this way, Google crawler we cell it, then crawler Technical SEO.

Then the crawls all that data, that is hangs on it. IT see where the things is what content is on this website. It is crawling all the content before searching anything. It is seeing where the thing is and it picks up all that date and sends it to local server.

The meaning of server is that is saving inn google own hard . so what did you do here like lam talking about google

so that you can understand better. But here lam talking about every search engine. so the crawls of the search that is spider crawls date, picks up all the date available on the internet and puts its in local server. we cannot see the local server it is their local hard dick, you cannot access anyone hard disk Technical SEO.

So in the local server the indexers of google. What do you cell. so in the local server the indexers of google Technical SEO .

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